Configure to run in IPython.

Sets up IPython environment if we’re running in a Jupyter notebook or Jupyter QtConsole.

  • prepares Matplotlib to display inline and (for Macs) at a ‘retina’ resolution – if this is not available, a benign error report (currently disabled) is made and progress continues

  • enables automatic reloading of salt (in case the code has been modded) when a notebook is re-run in-situ

Requires Matplotlib and IPython.

Uses IPython extensions autoreload.

The autoreload extension forces the parent package to be reloaded on restart. This makes code modding and subsequent rerunning of a notebook smooth and seamless. It is not needed for normal operation, and if unavailable processing continues regardless.


Check if we are running an IPython kernel from Jupyter etc.


Configure to run in `IPython`_.


Sets up `IPython`_ environment if we're running
in a `Jupyter notebook`_ or `Jupyter QtConsole`_.

 - prepares Matplotlib to display inline and (for Macs)
   at a 'retina' resolution -- if this
   is not available, a benign error report (currently disabled)
   is made and progress continues
 - enables automatic reloading of :py:mod:`salt`
   (in case the code has been modded) when
   a notebook is re-run in-situ


Requires `Matplotlib`_ and `IPython`_.

Uses IPython extensions `autoreload`_.

The  `autoreload`_ extension forces the parent package to be reloaded on
restart. This makes code modding and subsequent rerunning of a notebook
smooth and seamless. It is not needed for normal operation, and if
unavailable processing continues regardless.


.. _Matplotlib:
.. _autoreload:
.. _IPython:
.. _Jupyter notebook:
.. _Jupyter QtConsole:

# import logging
# import matplotlib as mpl

# Jupyter `%magic` commands `%load_ext`, `%aimport`, and `%autoreload`
#  are needed here to force the notebook to reload the `streamline` module,
#  and its constituent modules, as changes are made to it.
# Force module to reload

from IPython import get_ipython

def check_is_ipython():
    """Check if we are running an IPython kernel from Jupyter etc."""
        if "IPKernelApp" not in get_ipython().config:  # pragma: no cover
            return False
    except ImportError:
        return False
    except AttributeError:
        return False
    return True

is_python: bool = check_is_ipython()

if is_python:
        get_ipython().magic("config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'")
    except NameError:
    # except:
    #     print('Possibly benign error trying to config Matplotlib backend')

        get_ipython().magic("matplotlib inline")
    except NameError:
    # except:
    #     print('Possibly benign error trying to config Matplotlib backend')

        get_ipython().magic("load_ext autoreload")
        get_ipython().magic("autoreload 2")
        # get_ipython().magic('aimport '+package_name)
    except NameError as error:
            "Error trying to invoke get_ipython(), "
            + "possibly because not running IPython:",
    # except:
    #     print('Possibly benign error trying to config autoreload')