Configure to run in IPython.
Sets up IPython environment if we’re running in a Jupyter notebook or Jupyter QtConsole.
prepares Matplotlib to display inline and (for Macs) at a ‘retina’ resolution – if this is not available, a benign error report (currently disabled) is made and progress continues
enables automatic reloading of
(in case the code has been modded) when a notebook is re-run in-situ
Requires Matplotlib and IPython.
Uses IPython extensions autoreload.
The autoreload extension forces the parent package to be reloaded on restart. This makes code modding and subsequent rerunning of a notebook smooth and seamless. It is not needed for normal operation, and if unavailable processing continues regardless.
- gmplib.initialize.check_is_ipython()¶
Check if we are running an IPython kernel from Jupyter etc.
Configure to run in `IPython`_.
Sets up `IPython`_ environment if we're running
in a `Jupyter notebook`_ or `Jupyter QtConsole`_.
- prepares Matplotlib to display inline and (for Macs)
at a 'retina' resolution -- if this
is not available, a benign error report (currently disabled)
is made and progress continues
- enables automatic reloading of :py:mod:`salt`
(in case the code has been modded) when
a notebook is re-run in-situ
Requires `Matplotlib`_ and `IPython`_.
Uses IPython extensions `autoreload`_.
The `autoreload`_ extension forces the parent package to be reloaded on
restart. This makes code modding and subsequent rerunning of a notebook
smooth and seamless. It is not needed for normal operation, and if
unavailable processing continues regardless.
.. _Matplotlib:
.. _autoreload:
.. _IPython:
.. _Jupyter notebook:
.. _Jupyter QtConsole:
# import logging
# import matplotlib as mpl
# Jupyter `%magic` commands `%load_ext`, `%aimport`, and `%autoreload`
# are needed here to force the notebook to reload the `streamline` module,
# and its constituent modules, as changes are made to it.
# Force module to reload
from IPython import get_ipython
def check_is_ipython():
"""Check if we are running an IPython kernel from Jupyter etc."""
if "IPKernelApp" not in get_ipython().config: # pragma: no cover
return False
except ImportError:
return False
except AttributeError:
return False
return True
is_python: bool = check_is_ipython()
if is_python:
get_ipython().magic("config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'")
except NameError:
# except:
# print('Possibly benign error trying to config Matplotlib backend')
get_ipython().magic("matplotlib inline")
except NameError:
# except:
# print('Possibly benign error trying to config Matplotlib backend')
get_ipython().magic("load_ext autoreload")
get_ipython().magic("autoreload 2")
# get_ipython().magic('aimport '+package_name)
except NameError as error:
"Error trying to invoke get_ipython(), "
+ "possibly because not running IPython:",
# except:
# print('Possibly benign error trying to config autoreload')