Provide a data visualization class.
- Requires Python packages/modules:
- class gmplib.plot.GraphingBase(dpi: int = 100, font_size: int = 11)¶
Provide a visualization base class.
- Parameters
dpi – resolution for rasterized images
font_size – general font size
- color_cycle¶
color property cycle
- Type
- n_markers¶
number of markers
- Type
- color¶
return i^th color
- Type
- marker¶
return i^th marker
- Type
- create_figure(fig_name: str, fig_size: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, dpi: Optional[int] = None) → matplotlib.figure.Figure¶
Initialize a
figure.Set its size and dpi, set the font size, choose the Arial font family if possible, and append it to the figures dictionary.
- Parameters
fig_name – name of figure; used as key in figures dictionary
fig_size – optional width and height of figure in inches
dpi – rasterization resolution
- Returns
reference to
figure- Return type
- get_aspect(axes: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes) → float¶
Get aspect ratio of graph.
- Parameters
axes – the axes object of the figure
- Returns
aspect ratio
- Return type
- naturalize(fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure) → None¶
Adjust graph aspect ratio into ‘natural’ ratio.
Provide a data visualization class.
Requires Python packages/modules:
- :mod:`matplotlib`
# Library
import warnings
import logging
from itertools import cycle
import operator as op
from typing import Dict, Any, Tuple, Optional, List, Callable, Iterable, Sized
# MatPlotLib
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager
__all__ = ["GraphingBase"]
class GraphingBase:
Provide a visualization base class.
resolution for rasterized images
general font size
dpi (int):
resolution for rasterized images
font_size (int):
general font size
fdict (dict):
dictionary to which each figure is appended as it is generated
colors (list):
list of colors
n_colors (int):
number of colors
color_cycle (:obj:`itertools cycle <itertools.cycle>`):
color property cycle
markers (list):
list of markers
n_markers (:obj:`itertools cycle <itertools.cycle>`):
number of markers
marker_cycle (int):
cycle of markers
linestyle_list (list):
list of line styles (solid, dashdot, dashed, custom dashed)
color (:obj:`lambda(i) <lambda>`):
return i^th color
marker (:obj:`lambda(i) <lambda>`):
return i^th marker
dpi: int
font_size: int
fdict: Dict
colors: Callable
n_colors: int
color_cycle: Callable
markers: Tuple
n_markers: int
marker_cycle: cycle
linestyle_list: Tuple
color: Callable
marker: Callable
font_family: str
def __init__(self, dpi: int = 100, font_size: int = 11) -> None:
self.dpi = dpi
self.font_size = font_size
self.fdict: Dict[Any, Any] = {}
prop_cycle = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]
self.colors = prop_cycle.by_key()["color"] # type: ignore
self.n_colors = len(self.colors) # type: ignore
self.color_cycle = cycle(self.colors) # type: ignore
self.markers = ("o", "s", "v", "p", "*", "D", "X", "^", "h", "P")
self.n_markers = len(self.markers)
self.marker_cycle = cycle(self.markers)
self.linestyle_list = ("solid", "dashdot", "dashed", (0, (3, 1, 1, 1)))
color_ = lambda i_: self.colors[i_ % self.n_colors] # type: ignore
marker_ = lambda i_: self.markers[i_ % self.n_markers] # type: ignore
self.color = color_ # type: ignore
self.marker = marker_ # type: ignore
self.font_family = "Arial" if "Arial" in self.get_fonts() else ""
mpl.rc("font", size=self.font_size, family=self.font_family)
def get_fonts(self) -> List[str]:
"""Fetch the names of all the font families available on the system."""
fpaths = matplotlib.font_manager.findSystemFonts()
fonts: List[str] = []
for fpath in fpaths:
font = matplotlib.font_manager.get_font(fpath).family_name
except RuntimeError as re:
logging.debug(f"{re}: failed to get font name for {fpath}")
return fonts
def create_figure(
fig_name: str,
fig_size: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None,
dpi: Optional[int] = None,
) -> plt.Figure:
Initialize a :mod:`Pyplot <matplotlib.pyplot>` figure.
Set its size and dpi, set the font size,
choose the Arial font family if possible,
and append it to the figures dictionary.
name of figure; used as key in figures dictionary
optional width and height of figure in inches
rasterization resolution
:obj:`Pyplot figure <matplotlib.figure.Figure>`:
reference to :mod:`MatPlotLib/Pyplot <matplotlib.pyplot>`
fig_size_: Tuple[float, float] = (
(8, 8) if fig_size is None else fig_size
dpi_: float = self.dpi if dpi is None else dpi
"gmplib.plot.GraphingBase:\n "
+ f"Creating plot: {fig_name} size={fig_size_} @ {dpi_} dpi"
fig = plt.figure()
self.fdict.update({fig_name: fig})
return fig
def get_aspect(self, axes: plt.Axes) -> float:
Get aspect ratio of graph.
the `axes` object of the figure
aspect ratio
# Total figure size
figWH: Tuple[float, float] = axes.get_figure().get_size_inches()
figW, figH = figWH
# Axis size on figure
bounds: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = axes.get_position().bounds
_, _, w, h = bounds
# Ratio of display units
disp_ratio: float = (figH * h) / (figW * w)
# Ratio of data units
# Negative over negative because of the order of subtraction
data_ratio: float = op.sub(*axes.get_ylim()) / op.sub(*axes.get_xlim())
aspect_ratio: float = disp_ratio / data_ratio
return aspect_ratio
def naturalize(self, fig: plt.Figure) -> None:
"""Adjust graph aspect ratio into 'natural' ratio."""
axes: plt.Axes = fig.gca()
# x_lim, y_lim = axes.get_xlim(), axes.get_ylim()
# axes.set_aspect((y_lim[1]-y_lim[0])/(x_lim[1]-x_lim[0]))
axes.set_aspect(1 / self.get_aspect(axes))
def stretch(
fig: plt.Figure,
xs: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None,
ys: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None,
) -> None:
"""Stretch graph axes by respective factors."""
axes: plt.Axes = fig.gca()
if xs is not None:
x_lim = axes.get_xlim()
x_range = x_lim[1] - x_lim[0]
x_lim[0] - x_range * xs[0], x_lim[1] + x_range * xs[1]
if ys is not None:
y_lim = axes.get_ylim()
y_range = y_lim[1] - y_lim[0]
y_lim[0] - y_range * ys[0], y_lim[1] + y_range * ys[1]
# def covector_fishbone_vertical(self,
# x: float, y: float,
# px: float, py: float,
# ref: float,
# fishbone_len: float,
# n_ticks: int=5,
# sf: float=1.0,
# color: str='DarkBlue') -> None:
# """
# """
# head_width_: float = 0.0
# head_length_: float = 0.0
# lw_: float = 0.5
# plt.arrow(x,y, 0, -fishbone_len,
# color=color, ec=color,
# head_width=head_width_, head_length=head_length_,
# lw=lw_, shape='full', overhang=1,
# length_includes_head=True,
# head_starts_at_zero=False,)
# dy_per_tick: float = sf*(ref/py) * (fishbone_len/n_ticks)
# tick_sf: float = 0.02
# for i_ in range(n_ticks):
# npx: float = py*tick_sf
# npy: float = px*tick_sf
# dy: float = dy_per_tick*(i_+1)
# if dy>fishbone_len:
# break
# plt.plot([x-npx/2,x+npx/2],[y-dy+npy/2,y-dy-npy/2], c=color)
# def covector_fishbone(self,
# x: float, y: float,
# px: float, py: float,
# ref: float,
# fishbone_len: float,
# n_ticks: int=5,
# sf: float=1.0,
# color: str='DarkBlue') -> None:
# """
# """
# head_width_: float = 0.0
# head_length_: float = 0.0
# lw_: float = 0.5
# p_norm: float = norm((px,py))
# sf_: float = sf*fishbone_len/p_norm
# dx: float = -sf_*px
# dy: float = -sf_*py
# plt.arrow(x,y, dx,dy,
# color=color, ec=color,
# head_width=head_width_, head_length=head_length_,
# lw=lw_, shape='full', overhang=1,
# length_includes_head=True,
# head_starts_at_zero=False,)
# dx_per_tick: float = sf*(px/ref) * (fishbone_len/n_ticks)
# dy_per_tick: float = sf*(py/ref) * (fishbone_len/n_ticks)
# tick_sf: float = 0.03
# for i_ in range(n_ticks+3):
# dx = dx_per_tick*(i_+1)
# dy = dy_per_tick*(i_+1)
# d_norm: float = norm((dx,dy))
# npx: float = tick_sf*dy/d_norm
# npy: float = tick_sf*dx/d_norm
# #,py,dx_per_tick,dy_per_tick)
# if norm((dx,dy))>fishbone_len:
# break
# plt.plot([x-dx],[y-dy], 'o', ms=2, c=color)
# plt.plot([x-dx-npx/2,x-dx+npx/2],[y-dy+npy/2,y-dy-npy/2], c=color)
# from dataclasses import dataclass, field
# @dataclass(repr=True, eq=False, order=False, unsafe_hash=False, frozen=False)
# dpi: int = field(repr=False, default=100)
# font_size: int = field(repr=False, default=11)
# fdict: dict = field(repr=True, default_factory=dict)
# colors: list = field(repr=False, default_factory=list)
# #=lambda: (plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']).by_key()['color'])
# markers: list = field(repr=False, default_factory=list)
# #=lambda: ['o', 's', 'v', 'p', '*', 'D', 'X', '^','h','P'])
# linestyle_list: list = field(repr=False, default_factory=list)
# #=lambda: [ 'solid', 'dashdot', 'dashed', (0, (3, 1, 1, 1))])
# def __post_init__(self):
# self.colors = (plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']).by_key()['color']
# self.n_colors = len(list(self.colors))
# self.color_cycle = cycle(self.colors)
# self.markers = ['o', 's', 'v', 'p', '*', 'D', 'X', '^','h','P']
# self.n_markers = len(self.markers)
# self.marker_cycle = cycle(self.markers)
# self.linestyle_list = [ 'solid', 'dashdot', 'dashed',
# (0, (3, 1, 1, 1))]