Import job parameters from JSON files and build a settings dictionary.
TODO: This might be better done using dataclasses
- Requires Python packages/modules:
- class gmplib.parameters.Parameters(imported_parameters: Dict, evaluations: Optional[Dict] = None, sequence: Tuple = ())¶
Provide a job parameters container.
Convert top-level items in the parameters dictionary, whose keys are group names and whose values are sub-dictionary groups of parameters, into class attributes. The attribute names are the group names and their values are the sub-dictionaries.
- Parameters
imported_parameters – job parameters dictionary
- various¶
matching top-level items in the
- Type
class attribute
- parameters dictionary
- class gmplib.parameters.ParametersNestedGroup(parent: gmplib.parameters.Parameters, group_name: str, parameters_dict: Dict, evaluations: Optional[Dict] = None)¶
Provide a job ParametersNestedGroup sub-container.
Convert items in a parameters sub-dictionary into class attributes, setting the attribute name to the dict item’s key and the attribute value to the dict item’s value. If the value is a SymPy reference, parse it into a SymPy object before attribution.
- Parameters
imported_parameters (dict) – job parameters dictionary
- various¶
matching second-level items in the parameters dictionary
- Type
class attribute
- __init__(parent: gmplib.parameters.Parameters, group_name: str, parameters_dict: Dict, evaluations: Optional[Dict] = None) → None¶
- gmplib.parameters.import_parameters(path: Tuple[str], filenames: Tuple[str] = ('defaults')) → Tuple[Dict, str]¶
Load JSON parameter files (defaults and job).
Parse them in turn to generate a job parameters dictionary.
- gmplib.parameters.read_json_file(filepaths: Union[Tuple[str], List[str]]) → Dict¶
Load and parse a list of JSON parameter files into a parameters dict.
Step through a list of JSON parameter files (usually ‘defaults.json’ and the job JSON file). Parse each into a parameters dict, ensuring that subsequent JSON parameters override any set by previous JSON files.
- Parameters
filepaths – JSON parameter files to be read and parsed
- Returns
job parameters dictionary
- Return type
Import job parameters from JSON files and build a settings dictionary.
TODO: This might be better done using dataclasses
Requires Python packages/modules:
- :mod:`SymPy <sympy>`
# Library
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
import warnings
import logging
from os.path import realpath, join
from json import load
from copy import copy
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any, List, Union, Optional
from pprint import PrettyPrinter
pp = PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pprint
# SymPy
__all__ = [
def import_parameters(
path: Tuple[str], filenames: Tuple[str] = ("defaults",)
) -> Tuple[Dict, str]:
Load JSON parameter files (defaults and job).
Parse them in turn to generate a job parameters dictionary.
path (list): path to JSON parameter files
filenames (str): list of defaults and job JSON parameter filenames
dict: job parameter dictionary
# Parse default and assigned JSON parameters files
dirpath: str = realpath(join(*path))
filepaths: List[str] = [
realpath(join(dirpath, filename)) for filename in filenames
return (read_json_file(filepaths), dirpath)
def read_json_file(filepaths: Union[Tuple[str], List[str]]) -> Dict:
Load and parse a list of JSON parameter files into a parameters dict.
Step through a list of JSON parameter files
(usually 'defaults.json' and the job JSON file).
Parse each into a parameters dict, ensuring that subsequent JSON parameters
override any set by previous JSON files.
filepaths: JSON parameter files to be read and parsed
dict: job parameters dictionary
# Start wit a clean parameters dictionary
parameters_dict: Dict[Any, Any] = {}
# Step through each JSON parameters file in turn
for filepath in filepaths:
parameters_file_name = filepath + ".json"
f"gmplib.parameters.read_json_file: {parameters_file_name}"
# Read in the parameters file
with open(parameters_file_name, encoding="latin-1") as json_file:
parameters = load(json_file)
# Step through all the dict items in turn
# We do this so that we can replace a (sub-)dict item
# if the second (etc) JSON file needs to override
# an item value set in the first (etc) JSON parameters file.
for key, item in zip(parameters.keys(), parameters.items()):
# Check to see if the item is itself a dict
if isinstance(item[1], dict):
# If so, step through this source sub-dict
for subitem in item[1].items():
# If the destination sub-dict doesn't exist yet, create it
# Either way, add the item to this sub-dict
# logging.debug(item[0])
if item[0] in parameters_dict:
# logging.debug(parameters_dict[item[0]])
# The sub-dict exists: update this key and value
{subitem[0]: subitem[1]}
# The sub-dict does not exist yet, so set this key
# and value as its first item
parameters_dict[item[0]] = {subitem[0]: subitem[1]}
# If not a dict, set the key, value
parameters_dict[key] = item[1]
# This should not happen if the parameters file is a set
# of sub-dicts only, one per workflow class instance
return parameters_dict
class Parameters:
Provide a job parameters container.
Convert top-level items in the parameters dictionary,
whose keys are group names
and whose values are sub-dictionary groups of parameters,
into class attributes.
The attribute names are the group names and their values
are the sub-dictionaries.
job parameters dictionary
various (class attribute): matching top-level items in the
parameters dictionary
def __init__(
imported_parameters: Dict,
evaluations: Optional[Dict] = None,
sequence: Tuple = (),
) -> None:
evaluations_: Dict = {} if evaluations is None else evaluations
imported_parameters_: Dict = copy(imported_parameters)
for group_name in sequence:
group_dict = imported_parameters[group_name]
self, group_name, group_dict, evaluations_
for group_name, group_dict in imported_parameters_.items():
group_dict = imported_parameters_[group_name]
self, group_name, group_dict, evaluations_
class ParametersNestedGroup:
Provide a job `ParametersNestedGroup` sub-container.
Convert items in a parameters sub-dictionary into class attributes,
setting the attribute name to the dict item's key and the
attribute value to the dict item's value.
If the value is a SymPy reference, parse it into a SymPy object
before attribution.
imported_parameters (dict):
job parameters dictionary
various (class attribute):
matching second-level items in the parameters dictionary
def __init__(
parent: Parameters,
group_name: str,
parameters_dict: Dict,
evaluations: Optional[Dict] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize.""""gmplib.parameters.ParametersNestedGroup: p.{group_name}")
if evaluations is None:
evaluations = {}
for s_key, s_value in parameters_dict.items():
parse_expr(s_value.replace("sy.", ""))
if isinstance(s_value, str) and "sy." in s_value
else (None if s_value == "None" else (s_value)),
# For each item containing a "p." reference, evaluate it
# - this allows us to set parameters that are dependent on
# other parameters
p = self
if group_name in evaluations.keys():
for attr in evaluations[group_name]:
value = eval(str(getattr(self, attr)))
setattr(p, attr, value)
ls = (
+ " p.{group_name}.{attr} <- {value}"